Anyway, it looks like I will be taking six (6) classes for the semester in total. I think the majority of them won't be insanely difficult, but I however, be directly enrolling into the University of

The school is divided into "facultades" (t) and depending on which one you choose to take, they are located throughout the city. Most Argentines have full-time jobs in addition to schooling, so they do not spend so much time making "school friends". Additionally, the schooling is mostly just buildings with classrooms--it is uncommon to see libraries or facilities that are more common to us .So I guess I will see how that goes. I am very excited none

Earlier I mentioned that I would talk more about my familia, well, I will now. They are very nice people and are always extremely friendly. Generally, I will see my host-mom in the morning for breakfast and then I will return for a family meal for dinner which consists of my host mom/dad, their daughter/husband, and their granddaughter. I find it to be a really nice part of my day not only because I can practice my Spanish, but get to know them better. For example, they like Two and a Half Men, I like that show too. They like to make fun of newscasters with shoddy hair-cuts, I like to make fun of those people too. They like encouraging me to go out and have fun...I like encouraging myself to do this also. My host-dad is especially funny, mostly because he is older, retired, and is allowed to get away with inappropriate jokes and teach me some non-PC words. My host "sister" on the other hand, owns her own catering business and has an industrial-sized kitchen just below my room. She told me that she goes through like, 100 orders per day. That guy from Hell's Kitchen would definitely poop a brick if he was told to do that.

Finally, the granddaughter is 5 years-old and really cute. Normally when I go down to my familia's apartment for dinner, she is watching a kids program, which is something I like mostly because I can understand the plot...until the parents change to a news station or something. She collects these little animal things called "Zoo Pets" and plays with them. I only mention this because I ended up playing with her the other night and decided to spice up the familial relations of the "Zoo Pets" by insinuating that the uncle (pug) always ran out on the auntie (kitty) and that the father (hampster) was really mean to the daughter (rabbit)--she was not appreciative.
P.S. as an addendum to my first post, 2-ply seems to be the popular style here.