On Friday evening, I decided to go out on the town with some friends for the first time. We all met a little after midnight (they leave and stay out very, very late here) at a night club or boliche about 15 minutes from my apartment. The place was packed with a crowd of about a half American, half Argentine ratio. Well, one of the friends that I was with, participates in a different study program and came with some of her girlfriends--they all go to school in Tennessee. I was introduced to them, but it is this one girl in particular that I more or less had a conversation with.
Now as a preface, I am mainly interested in meeting Argentine girls and such--seeing that I could meet an American girl any day of the week back in...well, America. Additionally, this girl was not very appealing to me, but nonetheless, there we stood and I was going to be a normal human being and initate a basic conversation--it goes somewhat as follows:
Me: "So you are from Tennessee? That's cool. I used to live there, do you like it?"
Dixiechick: (looking around) "Yeah, it's cool I guess."
Me: "Cool...alright. So what do you think of the city so far?"
Dixiechick: (fidgeting with her glass) "Yeah, it's cool--pretty busy."
Me: "Yeah, it's definitely pretty large..." (I awkwardly take a swig of my drink, B.B. King is playing in the background) "Uh...so, you are from the Memphis area...you must like blues?"
Dixiechick: "I love the blues."
Me: "Oh, that's cool bec...." (she looks left and leaves)
Big gulps huh? Well, see ya later!
Who does that? I checked later to make sure I didn't have anything in my teeth or snot on my nose, and of course, I did not. Bottom line here, the only stuck-up person I have met so far is a slightly chunky American girl from the South--go figure.
P.S. As an addendum, I met a really cool Argentine dude that was at the same place that I talked to (en espanol) for an hour or two about the city and stuff.

Sounds like you are off to a great start in Argentina Adam. We've enjoyed your blog and will continue to keep track. Breece's