“¡Che! ¡Pelotudo con el paraguas!”
"Hey! A**Hole with the umbrella" -random guy after he got hit in the head
“Awww…¡Qué lindo perrito! ¿Cómo? …oh, está muerto…”
"Awww...What a cute puppy! What? Oh...he died." -woman referring to a picture of a puppy that her friend showed her.
Rodolfo: “Los gays son como el Highlander” "Gays are like the Highlander."
Me: “¿Cómo?” "What?"
Rodolfo: “Solo ellos saben quién es gay entre ellos” "Only they know who is gay amongst themselves."
“¿Qué pasó con la operación de Kirchner? ¿Él está bien? Ay…una lástima.”
"What happened with Kirchner's operation? He's fine? Ah...a shame." -Marta
“Es mejor que votes.”
"It's better that you vote." -Maria, in reference to what the Chilean president would say after he was thanked by one of the miners.
“Well, that’s a first.” -my friend Alex in reference to us walking over a hobo who had passed out in the middle of the sidewalk at around noon.
Me: ”¿Por qué ese no funciona como otros lugares?” "Why doesn't that work like in other places?"
Marta: “A ver, estamos en la Argentina—bienvenido al tercer mundo.” "Ah, but look...we are in Argentina. Welcome to the Third World."
“¡Ay! Por favor, ¡No somos animales!”
"Puh-lease! We aern't a bunch of animals!" -random guy commenting on people pushing to get in the subway.
“Si no tuvimos un líder, la Argentina sería el superpoder numero uno en el mundo, en serio.”
"If we didn't have a leader, Argentina would be the number one superpower in the world, seriously" -Rodolfo
“Compre un Argentino por lo que vale, y lo venda por lo que piensa valer él.”
"Buy an Argentine for what he is worth, and sell him for what he thinks he is worth." -Old Spanish saying
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